Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 22 - @SmileItsLovato

Dear Demi,

I hope your doing okay. You are one strong person! It takes guts to admit you need help but you see this is one of the reasons i admire you. Your not afraid to say you need help when you need it and that doesn't mean your weak that shows that your strong. I will always be here to support you no matter what. Don't listen to the rumors,haters cause in the end of the day they don't matter. I believe in you, all your fans believe in you, in fact the whole world believes in you! So if you ever need a hug we're here with our arms open. I wish i could give you the biggest hug in the history of hugs! :)

"Never listen to what other people have to say. Always feel confident. Always feel beautiful"-you

I love you so much words can't describe how much I love you. You are a big inspiration in my life. Even though you don't know me you've changed my life. You've taught me to never give up and to believe in myself. Never give up and stay strong Demi! Your fans will always be here supporting you 100%! Oh and one day I'll meet you and give you that hug :)

P.S:Never forget that you are a strong, beautiful lady that will always be in my heart :)

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 21 - @moeluvsjoe

Dear Demi, what can I say? Ur my inspiration and my roldemodel. You make me smile everyday everytime I listen to ur songs I wanna smile. Your such a talented and beautiful young woman. I hope you feel better I love you so much !!! Love your biggest fan, Melissa

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 20 - @AmberSawyers

I got a tattoo of a heart with Demi's initials inside on my wrist because she has helped me thru so much in few years i have been a fan of hers. Demi inspired me to start singing again and she is my idol. i look up to her in so many ways. So my new tattoo is to show her that i support her while shes getting the help she needs now, and any time she needs it in the future. Plus this way she will always be with me where ever i go for the rest of my life :)


Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 19 - @DennaWarrayat

Dear Demi,
Demi Im truley sorry about what happened. Youre super sweet and you dont deserve any of this. When youre alone and think you have no one to talk to, think again. you have billions of fans out there who love you and would wanna help you. Demi youre soo talented, people wanna hear you and listen to your music! I will not just sit there and watch you burn... i wanna help. Life in hollywood and its pressure truley does get to you but hang in there, i no youre gonna get through it someday. We all love and care about you <3. Youre a wonderful insperation and a wonderful grown up woman. Demi, you dont need someone to go tell you youre not good enough because you may be the most expensive thing worth here. Youre bueatiful just the way you are. We love you for who you are. You dont need to change for anyone. You may have many people who arnt fans but thats their loss because you are one taleneted girl. And we all miss you on disney and youre wonderful tweets. we miss seeing you. When i met you just a couple months ago you were GORGEOUS, talented, and fans went crazy over you. We love you! And all we want is for you to be happy. Youre our insperation and the girl who gets me up in the morning to a fabulous day. Im saying this from my heart... so grab it.. and keep it forever. because i love you and i wont let anything get in the way of that. <3
From your bigggessssttt fan,
Denna Warrayat

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 18 - @htebazilearalc

Dear Demi,

I just wanted you to know that we are all here for you. You are my role model. I know that you are going through a really hard time right now, but I hope you realize that all of your fans (especially me!) are right here supporting you. You are such a special person. Never forget it. I have watches everything you have EVER been in at least 700 times. Never ever change who you are for someone else. You are too perfect.
Clara <3

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 17 - @CruzMuniz

Demi,words can explain my love for you, a sister.The second I saw you,I had a feeling I was going to like you,the more I got to know you, the bigger a fan I became.Your music is amazing-the person you are.You dont deserve the things that are happening to you,But God puts you through things he knows you'll make it through.You have stayed true to yourself and made me so proud to be a fan of yours. I know that you are going through a rough time right now and your fans are behind you through all of this 110% of the time.I know its hard,but this is your life now and I say have fun with it,forget the haters.Got something to say? Write it in to a song :) I love you Demi,& I always will. God Bless you Dems. <3 -@

P.S. As much as a fan Iam of Joe's,Pft,hes stupid.He lost the greatest girl he'll ever get. ;)

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 16 - @staystrong4demi

To the Strongest Role Model on the Face of the Planet:

Dear Demi,

Today, we are all wearing black and drawing hearts on our wrists to celebrate Demi Day, a day of support for you. I thought this would be a good time to write another letter to you.

I previously wrote a couple variations of the same letter to you, but I'm going to fill this one up with more than just my support for you. The rest of this letter will be filled with my favorite lyrics and quotes of yours that I think are the most inspiring and important to me. I hold your words dearly and love it when you show the world your beautiful smile. You do so much for your fans, so I'm glad that I have a chance to do something for you. I also want to thank , , , , and for making blogs, scrapbooks, and YouTube videos that truly show our deep support and hope to see your smile again.

I've been making your inspirational quotes/lyrics as my Facebook status for the last couple of days and hope to continue to do so. I really do care for you, Demi, and I hope that you get well soon.

"I don't wanna be afraid
I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today
And know that I'm okay
'Cause everyone's perfect in an usual way
You see,
I just wanna believe in me"
- "Believe In Me" (2008)

‎"Do you know what it's like
To feel so in the dark,
To dream about a life
Where you're the shining star.
Even though it seems
Like it's too far away,
I have to believe
In myself.
It's the only way"
- "This Is Me" (2008)

‎"But they'll realize,
Jealousy has taken over their minds
And the words they try
To bring me down with
They all made us stronger"
- "Stronger" (2008)

"I'm quickly finding out
I'm not about to break down
Not today
I guess I always knew
That I had all the strength to make it through"
- "Believe In Me" (2008)

‎"So I'll take a stand,
Even though it's complicated.
If I can.
I wanna change the way I made it.
I wanna do the right thing now.
I know it's up to me somehow.
I'll find my way"
- "It's Not Too Late" (2010)

‎"Every day is like a blank canvas.
You know you can paint it any way you want it.
You can draw black clouds.
You can make the sun shine,
Color in a rainbow, or use black and white"
- "Work of Art" (2010)

‎"And I know everything will be fine
With me, myself, and time"
- Demi Lovato
"Me, Myself, and Time" (2010)

Here are some pictures and videos:
I will continue to draw on my wrist until I see your genuine smile.
This sounds AMAZING: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXQTMRveSxo&feature=recentlik Thanks to
You have the best smile! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKe3K4N0mfM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq7XORiJzw4 Tribute video by
Cute videos of Scottish Folds XD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNS6SUe-kGc

I want to thank you again for all that you have done to inspire me. Your kindness and sweetness runs so deep. I look forward to seeing your lovely smile again.

Remember that all of your fans have your back. We cannot wait to see you shine again. I've always treated you like a sister and will continue to do so. Like you said before, we, your fans, are your friends who care deeply about you no matter what happens. We love you, Demi, and hope you get well soon!

Love You Forever,
-Alison from Massachusetts