Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 13 - @adriellekb

Dear Demi,

You've impacted my life through your music, your movies, your TV show. But not only that, you have impacted my life by the way that you carry yourself and the type of role model you are. You deal with so many pressures and struggles from the media and everything that comes with the business (and I know I can't even begin to understand what all that entails) but yet you have stayed true to yourself and made me so proud to be called a fan of yours. I know that you are going through a rough time right now and I want you to know that your fans are behind you through all of this 100% of the time. We love you and want to see your smiling face again very soon! :)

Love Always,

Kayleigh Board

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