Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 6 - @xddlovato1fanx

Demetria Devonne Lovato,

words can't describe how much you mean to me, and the rest of the Lovato family <3 I, along with millions of other people, love and look up to you with everything. you are perfect demi! absolutely perfect. right now, you are going through some tough times... but you will get through this. you are brave, and you are strong! you taught me to believe in myself, so now it's time for you to believe in you <3 everything you are going through is going to get better. i hope you know how many people love you, and are going to support you every step of the way. you may not realize it, but you have changed so many of our lives. you have given SO much love to your fans, and now it's our turn to give some back. we believe in you demi. i believe in you! whenever i'm having a bad day... i think of you. i think of all the moments you've had to live behind a smile. hiding from the pain. it breaks my heart into a million little pieces knowing that you are suffering. i wish there was something more i could do to help you get better. because if there was anything, i mean ANYTHING i could do to help... i would. now that the truths out, you have nothing to fear. your fans are here to catch you if you fall. we believe that now's your time to heal, and to remember the love your fans have shown. we are here demi. forever.
i love you, and i want you to get better. i want to see your smile and know that everything is okay :) i want to see the light in your eyes once again. and i want YOU to be happy. you will come out a stronger woman than before <3 we love you demi! don't forget!

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