Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hearts 4 Demi Blog Post 22 - @SmileItsLovato

Dear Demi,

I hope your doing okay. You are one strong person! It takes guts to admit you need help but you see this is one of the reasons i admire you. Your not afraid to say you need help when you need it and that doesn't mean your weak that shows that your strong. I will always be here to support you no matter what. Don't listen to the rumors,haters cause in the end of the day they don't matter. I believe in you, all your fans believe in you, in fact the whole world believes in you! So if you ever need a hug we're here with our arms open. I wish i could give you the biggest hug in the history of hugs! :)

"Never listen to what other people have to say. Always feel confident. Always feel beautiful"-you

I love you so much words can't describe how much I love you. You are a big inspiration in my life. Even though you don't know me you've changed my life. You've taught me to never give up and to believe in myself. Never give up and stay strong Demi! Your fans will always be here supporting you 100%! Oh and one day I'll meet you and give you that hug :)

P.S:Never forget that you are a strong, beautiful lady that will always be in my heart :)

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